SOAR is part of a citywide initiative led by Sheffield City Council to make Sheffield more dementia friendly.
We believe in the five key messages of the Alzheimer's Society:
Dementia is not a natural part of aging
Dementia is caused by diseases of the brain
Dementia is not just about memory loss
It's possible to live well with dementia
There is more to the person than the dementia
Our Dementia Peer Support Worker
​If you would like to
Chat to someone
Get some 1-2-1 support
Share your experiences as a person with dementia or as a carer
Get involved with making your local area more dementia friendly
Attend a Dementia Friends session
Make your business or organisation more dementia friendly
Find out more about some online carers groups
Contact Lyndsey on

Dementia Friendly North East Sheffield is a group of people from the community and local organisations who are coming together to make our area more dementia friendly. We have monthly meetings and are currently working towards our current action plan:
Fire & Police
We have chosen this area as people in the area have asked for more information on services provided by emergency services.
We will:
Invite emergency services to attend our memory cafes and our Dementia Friendly North East Sheffield meetings
Share information on services, and raise awareness of tools such as the Herbert Protocol
Build up referral pathways with emergency services
Raise awareness of training in the area
Health & Social Care
We have chosen this area because we want to develop the relationship between voluntary sector organisations and the health and social care sector, and build more lines of communication between people with dementia and their carers, and health and social care services.
We will:
Invite more partners to join our meetings (such as more care homes, the memory service and GP practices)
Improve ways to feedback to statutory services and care companies
Raise awareness of training in the area
Run a joint community event
Build relationships between community groups and care homes
We’d love to welcome you to get involved, please contact Lyndsey for more information.​
Other Useful Resources
Sheffield Carers Centre provide services for unpaid adult carers in the city, including a hotline (0114 272 8362). They also offer a Carers Card with lots of benefits
Alzheimer’s Society provides information on activities in the area, resources, campaigning and dementia friends sessions
DEEP is a website created by people with dementia and has lots of different resources. They also have an LGBT+ group called ‘Speak Out'
Next Steps provides information about what the diagnosis process might look like for you
Dementia Together has fun resources and activities to play around with
Dementia Tip Share is a ‘treasure chest of tips’ created by people with dementia
Sheffield Directory contains sources of practical and emotional support for your health, wellbeing and safety
Dementia Adventure provides some free skills sessions and some free groups for unpaid carers
Dementia and Me Podcast can be found on the BBC and shares the experiences of people living with dementia
When the Fog Lifts is an insightful blog about living with dementia in Sheffield
Young Dementia Network is for younger people with dementia
Age UK - The Dementia Directory provides information on Dementia specific services and support in the area
Age UK - Choosing a Home Checklist provides guidance for choosing the best care home for you
Age UK - Activity resources has fun resources and activities
Planning for the Future (from Manor and Castle Development Trust)
TIDE is a network for carers of people living with dementia
Professionals & Volunteers
If you want to chat about making your group or organisation more dementia friendly then please contact Lyndsey on the details above.
Dementia Advice Service provides support to professionals and volunteers working with people with dementia
DEEP have lot of resources and tips for how to make activities and environments more dementia friendly
A Home Environment Checklist has been provided by Sheffield City Council Occupational Therapists
Community First have a checklist for how to make your community centre more dementia friendly
We also encourage you to join Dementia Friendly North East Sheffield, and to sign up with Sheffield Dementia Action Alliance.