SOAR is a community regeneration charity that provides a range of services designed to improve a person’s health, wellbeing and employability.
Working in partnership with over 20 GP Surgeries and over 40 Community Partners, our social prescribing service is one of the largest in the city.
Our team consists of Social Prescribing Link Workers, Wellbeing Coaches, Welfare Coaches, Employment Coaches, Development Workers, Community Services and Centres. Working in partnership with GP Surgeries and Community Partners, we have supported over 10,000 people since 2014.
SOAR was incorporated in March 2004 as a company limited by guarantee and became a charity in November 2005. Since 2006, when the Southey Owlerton Regeneration programme ended, SOAR has moved on to deliver a variety of services that carry on the regeneration process in the North of Sheffield.
Vision & Mission
North Sheffield is a place that people love to live, to work and to do business. It’s a well-regarded, welcoming and friendly place renowned for its schools, housing and public buildings and its people’s ingenuity, creativity and flair.
‘To work in partnership with others to enable and support residents of North Sheffield to improve their quality of life.'

To improve the health and economic wellbeing of individuals and families in North Sheffield
To use community development approaches to support and expand local community and grassroots organisations
To develop, manage and support social/community assets and centres in North Sheffield
To be a highly regarded, sustainable, innovative organisation, committed to developing employees, developing client-centred services, and acting as an advocate for North Sheffield