For Professionals
Referral Pathways
Professional agencies can refer to SOAR using this simple referral form. This form is to be downloaded, completed and returned to enquiries@soarcommunity.org.uk
For GP Surgery staff, please contact your surgery's social prescribing link worker as they are your main point of contact. If you're unsure who this is, please speak to a member of SOAR.
How it works?
The Social Prescribing Link Worker team triage referrals and carry out assessments over the phone or face-to-face, to find out how we can help and then use that information to signpost to a service who can best meet those needs.
“There is evidence that social prescribing can lead to a range of positive health and wellbeing outcomes for people, such as improved quality of life and emotional wellbeing.
Social prescribing is a holistic, non-clinical and person-centred approach to people’s health and wellbeing.
Social prescribing involves being referred to a link worker who works alongside people to connect them to community groups, supports and services that matter to them.”
University of Sheffield
How the service works
Step One
A referral is made to SOAR by either your GP Practice, a professional service, or self-referral.
Step Two
One of our Social Prescribing Link Workers will triage referrals and carry out assessments over the phone or face-to-face, to find out how we can help and then use that information to signpost to a service who can best meet those needs. This service might be internal to SOAR, or external to a citywide partner.
Step Three
If referred internally to SOAR, SOAR Wellbeing Coaches and Welfare Coaches spend time with those referred, to understand, build confidence, plan, support, and/or refer them on to additional support. The skills of these staff are key to the success of this work.
Step Four
We will endeavour to feed back to you, the referrer, about what happens with the client you have referred.
For GP Practice referrals, our Link Workers and some of our Wellbeing Coaches will feed back via System1 and EMIS.
For referrals from other services, sometimes it is not possible to provide feedback, but if you have any queries please get in touch and we can check our records.
Social Prescribing
Once I refer a client, how long will it take SOAR to get in touch with them?
Our current waiting time is 6-8 weeks for SOAR to contact the client. If you have any concerns or queries about this please get in touch.
We manage all urgent referrals to the appropriate service within 24 hours of receipt. We manage all non-urgent referrals to the appropriate service within agreed timescales.
Please click here for an explanation of why we have a waiting list.
What happens to my referral?
Your referrals are directed to the most appropriate service for the client, based upon the information you provide. A SOAR Social Prescribing Link Worker will telephone your client and spend time to understand, build confidence, plan, support and/or refer them on to additional support. The additional support might be internal to SOAR or external to our citywide links.
What happens if SOAR can't help the client I've referred?
Please read our referral criteria. SOAR will do its utmost best to support your client, but please ensure you fully complete the referral form.
Community Partnerships
What is the community partnership network?
The aim of the Community Partnership Network is to bring together the Voluntary Community Sector that work in North Sheffield that respond to local and community needs, so we can build strong connections, exchange knowledge, support and empower to create long-lasting partnerships.
How do I become a Community Partner?
Do you work in North Sheffield and respond to local and community needs? If the answer is yes, please complete our online membership form.