SOAR’s Employment Team provides 1-2-1 support with getting back into employment, sourcing training and creating a plan to suit you. Working with a range of people, from young job seekers just out of education to those who have been out of work for a while, we continue to lead, support and empower individuals to value their transferable skills and recognise their capabilities. Read on to hear Christine's journey...
Christine had been unemployed for a long time due to severe physical and mental health. When she approached SOAR she felt like she was finally ready to get back into work.

Christine had extensive experience in driving, and although didn’t hold a license for bus driving she was keen to go through the training for this, in order to eventually go on to drive coaches for Stagecoach.
She talked through all of her options with her Employment Coach, and we walked through the different possibilities, including training to be a train driver as well as other routes into bus driving. Eventually we found a role that was paid and would lead to the career path she wanted.
Christine also significantly struggled with her confidence after being out of work for so long, despite being a naturally chatty person she was unsure she could approach an interview situation well. Her Employment Coach talked through the local organisations that she could go to for help with this, and made a referral to The Suit Works to help Christine improve her confidence and feel ready for work. She came away from her appointment feeling really happy with how they’d helped her and really confident with her new clothes.
We put in a few applications and ensured she felt ready for her interviews, which led to her successfully securing a role as a trainee bus driver with Stagecoach! Christine is awaiting a start date, and we wish her all the best with the role.
"Exactly the help and support I needed, exactly when I needed it."
If you're looking for help getting into employment, get in touch with the team on 0114 244 0401 or